What inspired Skolafund?
What inspired Skolafund?

What inspired Skolafund?

I am studying in International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), currently waiting to proceed to my third year.

During my first year in IIUM, I came across a post in an unofficial university Facebook group called IIUM online, by a student who expressed that he’s tried all he can to get financial support but sadly to no avail. He mentioned that both his parents are sick and he works part-time to support his family. However, it is still insufficient for him to pay for his tuition fees and other liabilities that he is shouldering. After sharing his plight, he asked if people know of organisations that he can approach to get some aid for his case.

To my surprise, aside for the few which commented with suggestions, many more (hundreds!) commented requesting for his bank account saying that they want to help out with whatever small amount that they can. It was really inspiring.

This isn’t an isolated case, it was just the first one that I saw. There were a few more similar posts that I saw receiving similar support.

Each time there’s a delay of PTPTN disbursement, I will be reminded of these group of students who are surviving on a bare minimum. There will be news of students who can’t even afford basic meals and there will be ground-up student-led initiatives to help them out. A heart-warming scene in my university.

Mid of my second year in IIUM, it strucked me. (1) There’s a group of hardworking students who needs financial support and (2) there’s a group of people who are constantly willing to help.

What if I can come up with a platform to give these students a voice so that they can reach out to supportive people? A platform that can allow community to come together and crowdfund scholarships and award it to deserving students. With a crowdfunded scholarship, it’ll reduce the financial burden off the student allowing him to channel his energy more to studying and learning. At least, he can have a more fair chance to compete for his grades (because there is quota for grades -.-), get better CGPA and in the longer run increase chances to secure a better-paying career which will pull his family out of the poverty cycle.

That was the thought process which inspired Skolafund, which was then named CrowdScholarship.

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