Can we have one please?
We found this Facebook post going viral on our newsfeeds and think it’s great! As of the time of writing, the photo has been liked 434 times and shared 2,589 times but it’s definitely gonna continue to rise.
Here’s the post, from Facebook user Chuan Sim:
In case you can’t see it, here’s the photo he took:
From the photo, it seems to be just your average Malaysian coffee shop – but with 2 posters that show the owner has a wicked sense of humour!
The first one says: “Prices Subject To Change According To Customer’s Attitude.”
And while that’s hilarious by itself (because who hasn’t wished that was true), the second one really brings this to a whole new level.
The sign below it says: “If you are arrogant, grouchy, irritable or just a pain in the ass, there will be a RM10 charge for putting up with your shit.”
Where is this coffeeshop?
We’ve contacted the original poster to find out – and we promise to update it here if he replies!
But some expert detective work reveals an article from The Star in 2013, which in turn quotes China Press – who interview the man who might be the owner of this shop!
He calls himself Ji. And he says that he put up the signs not to annoy people, but to cheer them up.
From the article:
China Press quoted its owner, known only as Ji, as saying it was a joke to cheer up customers while reminding them of their attitudes.
“I cannot help it if some people can’t take a joke and ask why was I so arrogant,” he said.
The 57-year-old said he had a great sense of humour. “I love to collect jokes, meaningful proverbs and quotes.”
Other signs put up at the eatery in Taman Sri Tebrau are: “If you think the customer is always right, please turn left to exit” and “If you are arrogant, grouchy or irritable, there will be a RM10 charge”.
Some hawkers also wear T-shirts printed with the messages to show their support for Ji.
“The sign is also a gimmick to draw customers,” said Chen who mans the wanton mee stall. “Many people found out about it from their friends and come here to take photographs. Only a handful were offended by the messages and said they won’t return.”
If this is the same shop, the newspapers left out the funniest part of the sign: that the RM10 was because they had to “put up with your shit.”
What can we learn from Ji?
Because we like to practice continuous learning here at Skolafund, we asked ourselves: what can we learn from this coffee shop, their funny signs and creative owner?
1. You don’t (always) need a lot of money to make a good advertisement.
All it took was Microsoft Word, 2 pieces of A4 paper and some tape.
2. We all like to laugh – so surprise your customers
Everyone loves a good joke. Research has shown that millennials, especially, don’t like to be pressured into buying this by direct advertising. We want our companies to be our friends – and our friends like to joke.
If you’re promoting a crowdfunding campaign or advertising your club’s event, maybe try not to be too serious all the time?
3. Creativity comes by turning old ideas into new ones
What’s the one line everyone who’s sold something knows?
That’s right. Customer is king. This sign works because it flips that old idea around – and demands respect from the customers.
And that’s just a really good idea.
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