Terms & Conditions


Campaigner: The party in charge of starting a campaign at Kitafund.

Funds: Donations (RM) raised from the campaign at Kitafund

Kitafund: The party in charge of managing the crowdfunding platform at www.kitafund.com.

To give a better understanding on how a campaign is run at Kitafund, this agreement will be divided into 3 phases before, during and after the fundraising journey. Please read carefully and understand the process flow starting from before launching the campaign until funds disbursement and how to use the funds.

Phase 1: Before fundraising

1. Use of Pictures and Campaign Details

The campaigner allows Kitafund to use pictures and information given before launching the campaign as a means to help publicize the campaign. Pictures and information will not be used for matters not related to the campaign.

Pictures and information from the campaign will be used on Kitafund’s official social media, including Instagram and Facebook, to help campaigners reach their campaign targets. Pictures and information in the campaign will not be used after the campaign ends. However, pictures and information from the campaign that has been disseminated will remain permanently on the internet.

The campaigner is required to provide photos clearly and visibly showing the face. The types of photos required for the campaign will be specified by the photo editor, and the campaigner agrees to comply with the request to ensure that the process to launch the campaign is smooth.

2. Personal Data of The Campaigner

Under the Personal Data and Protection Act 2010 (PDPA), and Personal Data Protection Standard 2015, any personal data of the campaigner including phone number, identification card number, and address will not be intentionally shared, revealed, or exposed to any party.

Phase 2: During the Fundraising

3. Fundraising Responsibility

  1. The campaigner is responsible for spreading, promoting, and sharing the campaign for 30 days. The campaigner is responsible for spreading the campaign to family, friends, and acquaintances to help with the fundraising.
  2. The campaigner is encouraged to update the latest info about the patient’s condition on the campaign page to motivate the public to join in the practice of giving donations (ripple effect).
  3. The campaigners should use his/her existing network and database to spread the campaign such as friends on Facebook, family members, etc.
  4. Should donors submit any questions related to the campaign on social media, Kitafund shall obtain the necessary information from the campaigner and the campaigner is responsible to provide accurate and true information to respond to the public.
  5. The campaigner is fully responsible for promoting and spreading the campaign until it reaches its target. Kitafund is not responsible for helping with spreading the campaigns. However, we will provide the campaigner with tips and strategies for fundraising throughout the campaign journey.
  6. The campaigner is NOT ALLOWED to collect campaign funds using their personal bank account number. All donations collected will be synchronized on the platform using a payment gateway service. If the campaigner is found to spread the campaign using a personal account, the campaign will be terminated immediately.
  7. If the campaign has ended but has not reached the target yet, the campaigner can extend the campaign–not more than 3 times (for campaigns that are not using paid advertisements).
  8. If the campaigner wishes to request funds disbursement, the campaigner is responsible to inform the admin team and submit the disbursement form before the required deadline. The campaigner is also responsible to check the amount raised from time to time.

4. Advertisement

Kitafund will select any suitable campaign to advertise through Facebook Ads and the campaigner will be contacted by Kitafund if their campaign is selected. Campaigners have the right to choose whether or not to use advertisements for the ongoing campaign. If campaigners agree to use an advertisement, 10.6% or up to 15.6% of the amount needed will be added to the existing target to help with the campaign advertisement and promotion. For example: The needed amount for the campaign is RM5,000. If the campaigner agrees to add 10.6% – 15.6% of the Needed Amount for FB Ads which is RM530 – RM780, the final amount needed for the campaign will be RM5,530 – RM5,780, after adding the cost of FB Ads. When the campaign is successful, campaigners will receive RM5,000 because RM530 (10.6%) has been allocated for the FB Ads.

If the campaigner uses advertising services from Kitafund, the campaigner further agrees that the funds collected in the campaign will be used first for the payment of advertisements on Facebook Ads of 10.6% or up to 15.6% and Kitafund will not take any extra profit/money in any form.

5. Platform and Payment Gateway Fees

There is no fee charged to the campaigner to start a campaign on Kitafund. Fees are only charged to the donors when they are making a donation to the campaign. The fees charged to the donors are listed below:

a) Payment Gateway Fee. This fee is charged by the company that manages the payment gateway. Kitafund does not take any profit from the fees charged by the payment gateway. The payment gateway charges fees when a donor pays through:

  • Razer (Molpay) known as online banking: RM1/transaction
  • Stripe: 3% + RM1/transaction
  • E-wallet (Grabpay, Boost, TnG): RM1/transaction

b) Platform Fee. This fee is charged by Kitafund. An additional 5% of the donation will be charged to the donor.

For example, if a donor wants to donate RM10 using online banking, the amount that the donor will be charged is RM10 (donation) + RM1 (payment gateway fee) + RM0.50 (Kitafund platform fee). The total amount that the donor will be paying is RM11.50 for one transaction.

Phase 3: After the fundraising

6. Funds Channel

Funds will be disbursed based on the cost breakdown on the campaign page. If the campaign is still ongoing, only 1 month’s expenses are allowed to be disbursed. The campaigner is responsible to inform the Kitafund team and submit the disbursement form before the deadline when the campaigner wants to withdraw the funds from the campaign.

All funds raised will be channeled to the account of the party involved for the payment e.g hospitals, suppliers, vendors, universities, clinics, and organizations. To ensure transparency in funds management, Kitafund will not channel the funds to any individual’s account or the campaigner’s account. Payment will be made based on the respective methods stated above. Funds raised are for future use. Funds raised on Kitafund are not claimable if your own money had been used before or after starting the campaign. Funds cannot be used to pay debts.

The fund will be disbursed in stages and not all at once even if the campaign has reached 100% of its target. However, this condition is waived if the payment is to be paid directly to the respective supplier or vendor. The campaigner is required to provide receipts for all expenditures made using the funds raised from Kitafund.

Please make sure to give all the necessary information to the Kitafund team A WEEK PRIOR TO the disbursement day to avoid any last-minute issues.

6.1 Payments to Individual Campaigner’s / Patient’s account

Funds raised only for personal necessities such as formula milk, diapers, books, food, and transportation costs will be transferred to the campaigner’s account. The campaigner is required to provide receipts for all expenditures made using the funds raised from Kitafund.

7. Funds disbursement process

7.1 Tuesday and Thursday Only

Funds disbursement is conducted on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

A campaigner who wishes to disburse funds must fill in and submit the form a few days early but not less than one day before the next Tuesday or Thursday. If the form is submitted on Tuesday or Thursday morning, funds will not be processed on the same day.

The campaigner can contact our team at 017-8705703 to receive the payout form.

Payouts will be processed the next Tuesday or Thursday. Should there be any need for an emergency payout other than on the said days, please inform Kitafund Campaign Support Team (Admin) at least ONE DAY in advance.

If the campaigner sends messages to ask about the funds on Monday and Wednesday after office hours, the admin from the fund disbursement team will only reply to the messages after 12pm on Tuesday and Thursday. Every Tuesday and Thursday morning, the admin starts processing funds disbursement to ensure that the payment will be processed before 2 pm.

If Monday or Wednesday is a public holiday, the campaigner can fill in the form as usual on Monday or Wednesday (a day before payout) so the fund’s disbursement team can check the details on Tuesday and Thursday morning.

If Tuesday or Thursday is a public holiday, Kitafund will not disburse any funds until the next Tuesday or Thursday.

7.2 Transaction Process

The process for the funds to be credited to the recipient’s account will take at least one (1) day due to the procedure and funds transfer schedule of the bank. If the fund’s transfer is not successful / does not happen after one (1) day, please inform Kitafund Campaign Support Team (Admin).

Funds will be disbursed in stages and not in a lump sum, even though the fund may have already reached 100% of its target. Please make sure proof of funds usage, such as receipts or pictures of receipts, is updated on the campaign update section on the campaign page before the next payout.

7.3 Evidence of Funds Usage

The campaigner must provide evidence of funds used for all funds raised. If funds have never been previously disbursed, there is no need to provide any evidence such as receipts.

Please provide receipts for purchases such as pampers and milk or update directly on the campaign page before applying for the next disbursement. If the campaigner fails to provide the required evidence of the fund’s usage or the evidence is doubtful and insufficient, Kitafund reserves the right to reject the application for funds disbursement until sufficient evidence is provided.

7.4 Second or subsequent disbursement

For funds that are disbursed to an individual account (refer to 5.1), the second and subsequent funds disbursement will only be processed if the fund’s balance is less than RM100 OR if the disbursement is for a different cost that has never been disbursed OR for emergency cases allowed by the Kitafund team.

The second and subsequent funds disbursement will only be processed once sufficient receipts and evidence of funds usage are provided, including filling in the template recommended by the team.

This policy is used to avoid any funds abuse by the campaigner and to avoid any unnecessary issue when the amount disbursed is too big which can result in the campaigner failing to update the fund’s usage completely.

7.5 Funds Usage Policy

Funds raised on Kitafund are for future use. Funds may NOT be claimed for expenses incurred after their own money has been used. Receipts provided by the campaigner must be dated after the disbursement date of the funds, not the date before the funds were disbursed.

7.6 Changes in the Cost Breakdown

Should there be any changes in the cost breakdown, the campaigner is responsible for informing the Kitafund team in advance so that the team can update the latest costs on the campaign.

An update needs to be made before the next disbursement because:

  1. Fund will be disbursed based on the latest cost breakdown.
  2. The donors are all aware and informed of the fund’s usage (to ensure the transparency of the funds)

The campaigner is not allowed to use funds for any costs that are not stated on the campaign page. Please inform the Kitafund team regarding any changes in costs before the next fund’s disbursement.

The campaigner is allowed to update the costs (to add or to change) not more than THREE TIMES.

8. Misuse of Funds

All funds raised should not be used for costs that are not clearly listed in the campaign. The funds are from the public and should be used for the reasons stated in the campaign. Donors have entrusted the campaigner to use the funds according to the stated cost breakdown.

Kitafund is not just a platform to raise funds, but Kitafund is also responsible for ensuring funds are being used properly for the amount clearly stated on the campaign page. The donors have also trusted Kitafund as a platform to ensure transparency throughout the whole fundraising process including funds usage.

9. Importance of receipts

The campaigner needs to provide sufficient receipts based on the exact amount that has been disbursed by Kitafund. Funds cannot be used for costs other than the items stated on the campaign page. The receipts are also evidence that funds were used properly based on the cost breakdown stated on the campaign page and that no abuse of funds has occurred.

9.1 The amounts on the receipts must equal the funds disbursed

The campaigner needs to ensure that the amount of the receipts equals the number of funds disbursed. The campaigner is responsible to update the receipts on the “Updates” page on the campaign page so that the public, especially the donors, can view the receipts.

9.2 Insufficient receipts

If the receipts provided are not sufficient, Kitafund has the right to not disburse the next payment.

9.3 Purchasing necessities based on the cost breakdown

Please make sure you are NOT using your own money and claiming from the funds after purchasing. Funds disbursement will be arranged first before the campaigner starts buying the necessities stated in the campaign. Fund usage is for future use and not to pay debt or claim after the purchase.

No funds raised may be used for purposes other than those stated on the campaign page. Funds raised are donations from the public. Hence, the campaigner must use the funds accordingly.

10. Consequences of Abusing Funds

If the fund from the campaign is found to be abused by the campaigner either because the campaigner fails to submit the sufficient receipt of fund usage OR because Kitafund receives relevant information from the public, Kitafund will take the following steps:

  1. Investigate thoroughly the fund abuse.
  2. If the investigation indicates that funds were abused, Kitafund will terminate the campaign immediately.
  3. All donors will receive an automated notification in their email regarding the funds’ abuse.
  4. Funds raised will be refunded to all donors OR will be channeled to another emergency campaign.
  5. The campaigner is not allowed to continue the campaign or create a new campaign at Kitafund.

Example of misuse of funds:

  • Using the fund for expenses not stated in the campaign. For example, RM100 is used to buy diapers for a patient but RM100 is used for family meals.
  • Fail to provide complete receipts detailing the whole fund.
  • Using the funds for a claim

If the campaigner is found to have abused the funds, Kitafund has the right to transfer the funds to another campaign upon the donors’ agreement. Kitafund also has the right to refund the funds to the donors, if any of them request to be refunded.

11. Rejecting Application to Start a Campaign

As a platform responsible for managing the funds, Kitafund has the right to reject the application for a new campaign if the campaigner wants to start another campaign, including the request to extend the campaign period (for the campaign without paid ad) if the campaigner fails to provide sufficient evidence of funds usage from the previous campaign and has disobeyed the policy in the agreement.

Many factors are taken into consideration before rejecting the application to start a new campaign or to extend the campaign including:

  1. Communication between the campaigner and Kitafund was not respectful.
  2. Poor cooperation from the campaigner.
  3. Misuse of funds or failure to provide complete receipts.
  4. Request cost changes without concrete proof.
  5. Violating the policy agreement.
  6. Other situations that complicate the administration or transparency of the campaign.

The decision from Kitafund team’s discussion to reject an application to start a new campaign or to extend the campaign is final.

12. Patient’s Demise (For Human Medical Campaign Only)

12.1 Registration of Death Benefit Fund

Every campaign initiator or patient who starts a campaign on Kitafund is required to register with the Kitafund Death Benefit Fund. The purpose of this fund is to help the family in the event of death. Accordingly, campaign initiators or patients will be enrolled in the Individual Package (if 18 years old and above) or Family Package (if below 18 years old). In the event of death, RM1,500 will be channeled to the patient’s next of kin as a death benefit taken from the Kitafund Death Benefit Fund.

12.2 Settling Outstanding Bills Payments

In the event of death, all outstanding balances of the hospital will be settled in advance using the accumulated funds from the campaign.

12.3 Excess Funds

If there are excess funds after paying the bills or if there are no bills to be paid, the balanced funds will be channeled to the “Dana Sembuh” campaign or other campaigns, especially for medical emergencies and urgent campaigns such as for surgery and treatment.

13. Updates to the Fund Usage and Updates on the Campaigner

The campaigner agrees to provide regular updates regarding the condition of the patient from time to time on the campaign page. This is to make the donors who have donated to the campaign feel involved in the current update of the campaign.

The donors will get an automated notification every time a new update is posted on the campaign page. The campaigner is required to provide an update on the condition of the patient before the third disbursement.

After funds have been disbursed, especially to the individual account, the campaigner is responsible to retain the receipts and evidence of funds used in a file or immediately share in the WhatsApp group to avoid any loss or prevent the ink on the receipts to become unreadable.

To ensure the process for the subsequent fund disbursements is smooth, make sure that the campaigner must provide sufficient evidence of funds usage of the clear cash flow on the campaign page. This is to avoid any problems with funds disbursement.

The campaigner can update the receipts and the condition directly on the campaign page.

Please refer to the Kitafund team for the steps on how to post an update on the campaign page. If the campaigner faces any difficulty updating the campaign page, the campaigner may send the receipts evidence to the Kitafund team.

14. Fund Management

In any situation that requires further discussion regarding the accumulated funds, Kitafund as the trustee reserves the right to decide on the funds.
This includes making decisions about:

  1. if the patient/campaign initiator dies/misuses funds/violates the policy, the accumulated funds will be channeled to other active campaigns on Kitafund.
  2. the remaining funds will be channeled to the active campaign if feedback from patients/campaign initiators about the funds is not received within one week.
  3. the use of funds is limited to a period of one year from the date of the launch of the campaign or any related matter and is not solely bound by the matters set out above.
  4. Funds that are not claimed within ONE YEAR from the final date of fund withdrawal will be transferred to a Kitafund campaign that is in the same category.
Kitafund’s Policy

This policy should strictly be followed as every campaign on Kitafund will be assisted and guided by the Kitafund team to ensure that each campaigner successfully raises funds and meets the target.

This policy is created to keep and maintain the public’s trust, especially the donors, in the transparency of the crowdfunding process on Kitafund.

If there is any misunderstanding or unclear information after the agreement has been signed, the campaigner may initiate a discussion with the Kitafund team to discuss the best possible solution for both parties. If the campaigner is found to have violated the policy, Kitafund will not hesitate to take action as stated above.

This agreement is duly noted by the campaigner willingly, without any coercion from any party. I have read all points above and have understood each matter stated above. I also agree with all matters stated above.

Updated on 31 May 2023

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