Ms Maryam Abdul Mohsen raised RM6,611 in just 30 days by crowdfunding on Skolafund.
With just 2 semesters left, Maryam’s Public Services Commission (JPA) sponsorship was cut off after she married her soulmate, Mr Ahmad Fadzel. Suddenly, she had to find a way to raise the money, or empty the savings she had for her future.
(LINK: Her JPA Sponsorship Got Cut Off After She Married Her Soulmate, But “Angels” Saved Them)
We asked Maryam what her 3 TOP crowdfunding tips were. So, for anyone considering crowdfunding their own education, here they are!
1. Tell Your Story. Tell It Well.
From Maryam’s experience, supporters of your campaign need to know the human behind the screen – and the way to do that is to tell your story!
“People like the personal touch. They like genuine and honest stories. So be yourself!”
In her campaign pitch, Maryam shared the peace that she found from her marriage as well as her dream of becoming a forensic psychologist, and “helping my mother live a better and meaningful life.”
Don’t be afraid to add details or personal experiences into your story – it will make you stand out, and help people remember you.
2. Share Consistently (But Softly).
Maryam had to raise RM6,000 in 30 days. To make this huge number seem more manageable, she set herself a personal target of around RM200 per day.
Maryam checked her campaign regularly, and if she hadn’t yet met her target for the day, she would actively promote it on Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp.
“I was also very careful not to annoy people by spamming them – soft selling is the way to go!”
3. Don’t Stress Out.
Lastly, with so much at stake, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed and nervous. But remind yourself to breathe.
“Of course it means a lot to you, it’s your own education. You need the money. But don’t be scared. Don’t obsess over it.
Try your best.
Inshaa Allah (God Willing), it will come.”
Have a support network, whether it is family or friends. They are the ones who matter most.
Congratulations on graduating, Maryam. We’re proud of you.
We believe that crowdfunding changes lives. #skolafunded is a feature on the Skolafund Blog that aims to cover stories of those whose lives have been changed after crowdfunding on
Sharing Maryam’s story helps more people know about the power of crowdfunding, which means more people like Maryam can benefit or sponsor other campaigns. You can share this post on social media using the icons on the bar at the right of your screen! It’s so easy.
You can follow Maryam on Facebook or read her reflections on her blog! Read more about Maryam’s #skolafunded story here:
- Her JPA Sponsorship Got Cut Off After She Married Her Soulmate, But “Angels” Saved Them
- Dear Young Couples, Here’s A Message For You
- 3 Things Maryam Thinks You Should Know Before Graduation