Partnership with Student Councils

Partnership with Student Councils

Skolafund is a platform which enables undergraduates, especially the less-privileged ones, to fundraise their own scholarships. Our mission is to make higher education affordable and accessible to deserving students.

If you are a part of a Student Representative Council (SRC) or Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) of your university, we would like to work with you! We understand that student affairs and welfare are within your areas of concern as an elected leader of the student population. We understand that you have a responsibility to help students in-need. You always do your best to connect them with financial aid, but at times you are left helpless when their applications get rejected. Don’t you just wish you have the money to help the student out? If you’ve ever had this dilemma, you are the kind of Student Leader that Skolafund wishes to work with.  However, if you are leader who is just going through motion and have never been aware that such students exist in your university, you may still contact us if you want to explore, otherwise it’s alright.

How will the partnership look like?

In our first two months alone (April & May 2015), Skolafund received near 50 applications from students in need of funds from various universities. From our side, we verify each students by requesting for a lot of details including their university offer letters, matriculation card and parents proof of income. We have always been cautious when verifying student applications because we don’t welcome any kind of fraud on Skolafund. To improve our verification process further, we would like to get you involved! With your help, not only can we do it effectively, we’ll be able to speed up our verification process and more students can raise funds on Skolafund!

Apart from that, SRC can help students raise funds by rallying the other students to support campaigns coming from your university!

In addition, Skolafund is developing and rolling out more features in the near future which students can benefit from. By working closely with us, students from your university will constantly be updated of the opportunities that they can gain!

There are many other areas that we can work together aside from the ones mentioned. Let’s meet up over teh tarik and talk about this. Contact us at [email protected]. We’re looking forward to making higher education more affordable with your support.

Have Your Say!


  1. nur athirah nabila

    Currently studying in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, majoring in Information Technology.

  2. abi syazwan

    can i join?i

    • Tengku Syamil

      Hey Syazwan! Drop us an e-mail at [email protected]. Let’s see how we can work together. 🙂

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