Smiling baby with mother.

Our Mothers, Our Teachers: Skolafund Shares The Greatest Lessons We’ve Learnt From Our Mothers

Your mother is your first teacher.

When she smiled at you as she carried you in her arms, she taught you a billion things. What love looks like. The meaning of hope. How to smile.

Sunday was Mother’s Day and today is Teacher’s Day. To celebrate both at the same time (we’re a startup, so we’re all about efficiency haha), everyone at Skolafund HQ answered a single question:

“What was the greatest lesson your mother ever taught you?”

As we continue to grow and learn, whether from teachers in school or through life experiences, we’d like to share these stories to remind us about the strong ladies who started it all: our mothers.

What Faruq Learnt From His Mother

Not too long ago, Mak complained that she felt dizzy after a traditional massage session. It was so bad that all she could do was lay down in bed all day. I brought her to the doctor for a checkup. The doctor quickly referred her to the hospital as they fear it is something serious.

My world came spiralling down after the specialist doctor announced to me that they found quite a large tumour in her brain.

While I was there tearing and still trying to find my bearings, Mak seemed so calm and accepting of the whole situation. It was as if she expected it. This was what the doctor said back then: “Given the size of the tumour, it was probably there for at least 6 years.”

I could not believe what I heard.

Faruq: “Love gives you strength to overcome anything.”

I later found out that she has been feeling a little odd for quite a while now. But she had been postponing the visit to the doctor. I asked her why, and this was her reply:

“I had a strong feeling that I would be held in the hospital if I do so. Who would then take care of all of you, your daily needs, especially your baby brother?”

My heart died a little inside hearing that. It was definitely not a valid reason as at least 2 of us siblings were old enough to take care of our younger brothers. But I guess that’s what you call a mother’s love.

Today, she is recovered although the tumour has affected some of her abilities permanently. I would never forget her sacrifice, putting us, her beloved children, above herself. Such strong courage and strength in the heart of a soft, loving and kind woman.

Who would expect that?

Happy Mother’s Day, Mak.

Read more of Faruq’s posts on the Skolafund Blog here.

What Zaid Learnt From His Mother

My mother was literally a teacher – she studied Psychology, and led a reading program at a primary school for students who struggled to read. This was at least until I decided to make an entrance in her life back in 1992. My mother somehow decided that taking care of this one tiny, kinda cute, baby full-time was something she’d much rather do.

So I was pretty blessed, at least until my siblings came along and I didn’t get my parents’ full attention anymore (I’m joking, I love my siblings too).

Zaid: “Choose the path that you truly believe in, even if no one does.”

Many years later, I was faced with the choice of either going to a highly-ranked, prestigious university or another one which I felt would challenge me more as a person, but was less “safe.” My mum’s life, in my own humble eyes, has been all about always choosing the path which you truly believe in – no matter what others say, or the obstacles in the way.

Quitting her job to raise me is just the small example I’ve chosen, but she’s shown this in many other ways. And this is a lesson I’ve taken to heart.

I chose the path I believed in, and never regretted it for a moment. Thank you Mak – for all that you’ve taught me, and will continue to teach.

Read more of Zaid’s posts on the Skolafund blog here.

What Syamil Learnt From His Mother

Among the greatest lessons that my mother taught me is to have faith that everything happens for a reason. Even when something undesirable happens, there’s definitely wisdom behind it that we can learn from. It might not be visible or understood immediately, but trust that it is actually for the best.

She always reminds us to reflect on both the good and the bad things that happen in life and be positive. This has definitely helped me a lot when faced with challenging times. Every time I am faced with failure or rejection, I would remind myself to be positive, reflect and have faith that it is for the best.

Syamil: “Everything happens for a reason.”

Having this principle in me has allowed me to bounce back up quickly everytime I am feeling down or unmotivated.

I know that all I need to do is to give my best. Whatever outcome I get after that is secondary, and it is for the best.

Read more of Syamil’s posts on the Skolafund blog here.

Thinking of a way to honour your mother, father or teacher? Why not start a scholarship in their name? It’s easy to do just that with Skolaship: click on the link here to get started right now.

What was the greatest lesson your mother ever taught you? We’d like to know – comment below with your story. To every mother and teacher out there who taught all of us so much, Happy Mother’s Day and Teacher’s Day from Skolafund! ❤️

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