A Brilliant Tool to Help You Write in English Better

A Brilliant Tool to Help You Write in English Better

Whether we like it or not, it is important today for us to be able to read, write and talk in English. A study by Jobstreet Asia shows that poor command of English Language is one of the main reasons why many Malaysian graduates are not employed.

As such, if you are a student now, it is important for you to work on your English before you are thrown into the job market.

If you are already in the job market, this post is still relevant to you because the tool that we introduce here can still help you to write faster, better and minimize errors that make you look unprofessional.


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Grammarly – The tool that will help you write better

The tool that we are talking about is Grammarly. Grammarly is an online proofreading tool which checks for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. It also has this ability to suggest alternative words that can make your writing more engaging.

Based on our experience, Grammarly is way better than the default Microsoft Word checker by many miles. It easily identifies more types of errors (more than 250 types according to them) and makes helpful recommendations to correct them.

However, do note that you need a working internet connection for Grammarly to work.

How to use Grammarly?

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To start using Grammarly, head to Grammarly.com, sign up for a free account, and you are ready to go.

You can write on their web-app or download the software/app to your computer to make it even easier to access.

What’s even more awesome, Grammarly also integrates with your browser directly!

Integrates with Your Browser

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Adding Grammarly to browser is easy. Click this image to give it a shot.

If you are using Chrome, Mozilla or Safari to browse the internet, you’ll be happy to know that there is an extension that you can download for free. What this does is that it allows Grammarly to help you out when you are writing your email, Facebook post, blog post et cetera automatically. Check out the image below for an example. We find this seriously helpful in our day to day writing.

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After installing the extension, Grammarly can help you anywhere on the internet.

Get Weekly Progress Report

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Grammarly will give you a report on your writing with tips to improve weekly.

This is a good one. Each week, Grammarly sends you an email with data on your writing performance: how many words did you write that week, your vocabulary, your top grammar mistakes and a “tip of the week” to help improve your writing. Just looking at this weekly report helps you understand the areas that you need to work on immediately.

Grammarly’s Main Limitations

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There are some limitations to this app presently which perhaps will be taken care of by their team in the future.

Firstly, it needs to be connected to the internet. Without it, Grammarly will not work.

Secondly, you cannot do any word formatting directly on the app. You cannot bold any words, do any fancy paragraphing or other things that you can do with Microsoft Word and Google Docs. Hence, you will need to do some copy-pasting, if you require that.

However, if you sign up for the premium version, you can integrate Grammarly with Microsoft Word. This will enable you to write in Microsoft Word with Grammarly proofreading capabilities. Very helpful for assignments and reports.


Grammarly is a great tool to help you write in English better. Does not matter if you are a student or if you are a professional, it is worth having Grammarly to avoid making silly errors in your writing.

Free vs. Premium Grammarly Account Features

For your information, there are free and premium accounts, you can see the differences in the table above. Based on our usage, the free version is sufficient for most people, but if you want more detailed corrections and recommendations to make your writing even more professional-sounding, the premium one is great (we’re using it as well!).

To sign up for an account – free or premium – click here or the image below.

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While Grammarly is an awesome tool to have, it is important for us to understand the reason behind the errors that we make and not use it blindly. That way, we can improve our writing capabilities over time. Importantly, that way, we can ensure that we can still write properly offline — when there is no internet and Grammarly is not usable.????

Tell us: How are you working on your English presently? Are you using any apps or following any tutorials? Do share with us. We are interested in improving ours as well!

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