[VIDEO] 7 Hidden Stories From Malaysia About Making Life Better – we dare your heart not to melt.

[VIDEO] 7 Hidden Stories From Malaysia About Making Life Better – we dare your heart not to melt.

7 Hidden Stories From Malaysia About Making Life Better.

Watch every video. We dare you not to tear.

Humans love stories. Think about your favourite Korean drama. Or why movies about 3 idiots chasing their university dreams can make you cry.

This is a college, not a pressure cooker.
A movie full of great quotes and life advice – find out how this doctor-to-be used it to tell his parents how he truly felt.

Our brains seem to understand things much better when it’s told in a story – but more importantly, so does our heart. Stories touch the heart.

That’s the thinking behind Our Better World, a part of Singapore International Foundation. They’ve travelled all across Asia to tell stories of people doing good – to inspire others to do good too.

Our Better World seeks to inspire action through stories.
Source: Our Better World

From Indonesia to Nepal, Cambodia to the Philippines, the team at Our Better World has told a total of 179 stories so far – each and every single one of them a story worth telling.

7 Hidden Stories From Malaysia – Refugees, Drug Addiction & So Much More

In this article, we highlight 7 stories produced by Our Better World – from Malaysia.

The videos truly speak for themselves, and we highly recommend you watch every single one (we did).

An Indian mother. A Chinese artist. A Syrian refugee. A Malay rockstar. Divers on wheelchairs. Michael Jackson – in dikir barat.

It’s a Malaysia we wish we saw more of. It’s an idea of the Malaysia we could be.

1. A drug free anthem, for all the people

“I declared that I wanted to stop this. I wanted to fight this. We gotta be the band that fights drugs.”

Read Khai Aziz’s story on Our Better World.

Find out more about how you can get involved with Drug Free Youth Malaysia here.

2. You can teach them how to read – through Skype

“I don’t think education should be about the academics only. It should be about the things around them, the people around them – that respect is part of education.”

Read Yans Ganghadaran’s story on Our Better World.

Find out more about how you can get involved with Right to Learn KL here.

3. In the water, we all can’t stand – we are all equal

“Special people have the right attitude. Maybe because with special people, we have this opportunity – there is only one, so they grab it.”

Read Wang Ming’s story on Our Better World.

Find out more about how you can get involved with Society of People Support People (PSP) Malaysia here.


4. Have you ever seen a terrapin smile?

“If terrapins go extinct, what about future generations? Would they even know if terrapins exist?”

Read Pak Wazel’s story on Our Better World.

Find out more about how you can get involved with Turtle Conservation Society Malaysia here.

5. From the devastation of Kelantan floods, hope rises

Mula-mula kita mesti ambil berat sama-sama/ Lepas itu kita semua kena luangkan masa (If we care enough for the living/ Make a little space)

Read the story of these young, hopeful boys on Our Better World.

Find out more about how you can get involved with AidHome here.

6. They told this Syrian refugee something that changed his life

There are no words that can explain how much I miss my country. I always tell myself that I can’t help my people back home – but I can help them here. 

Read Hasan’s story on Our Better World.

Find out more about how you can get involved with Cybercare here.

7. All the love that can be expressed – through art

“If we can gather our forces together and do something food for the universe, why not? I want to do more than just exist.”

Read Suzi Chua’s story on Our Better World.

Find out more about how you can get involved with iPhilosophise here.

Are you inspired to make life better yet?

Because it truly doesn’t take anything more than simply wanting to make a difference.

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