5 Keys To Success


Hi there, Syakir here, the co-founder & COO of Skolafund.

Today I would like to blog about my meet up with my personal mentor whose name is Shafie Shamsuddin, currently the President Director of PT. Trans Retail Indonesia. He also used to be the CEO of Carrefour in Malaysia & Indonesia.

Today I would like to blog about my meet up with my personal mentor whose name is Shafie Shamsuddin, currently the President Director of PT. Trans Retail Indonesia. He also used to be the CEO of Carrefour in Malaysia & Indonesia.

We shared things that happened since the last time we met last year and he was very happy to hear that I am working on Skolafund!

He reminded me to keep practicing the 5 keys to success that he taught me. Shafie attributed a lot of his success in his life to these 5 keys to success, I was initially hesitant to believe.However, I have practiced these keys to success for the past 3 years since knowing about it and it has brought great positive changes and some successes in my life!

However, I have practiced these keys to success for the past 3 years since knowing about it and it has brought great positive changes and some successes in my life!

Would you guys like to know it too?


Okay, I will share it here 😉

1) Understand & Accept who you really are.

Sounds easy but its tough. I used to buy into stereotypes that people place on me or my skin colour. However, there came a time where I truly convinced myself that regardless of whatever culture you come from, you are always able to add value to the lives of the people around you, just by being who you are.
When we stop pretending to be someone else, our life becomes simpler and somehow people will respect us a lot more for sticking to our roots, cultures and principles. You do not have to feel inferior that you are born a certain skin colour or race. Always believe that you have something different and good to bring to the able, with some confidence, and hard work that is.

2) Be grateful for what you have 

Often times we are sad, disappointed or angry for what we have yet to get in our lives. However, I believe we can always bring a smile to our faces, if at that moment, we can think of the things that we have achieved in our lives that we never we can ever achieve. This single advice is one of the most amazing things I have ever learnt. This is also a very good stress reliever. I am also very lucky that I am reminded to be grateful every day, because my name is Syakir which derives from an arabic word that means (grateful) 🙂

3) Understand that life is a crossroad of choices

Never say that you have no choice. Always pause when you are making a decision and think if this is the right choice. Never be pushed to play someone else’s game when you still have a choice. Make the right one.

4) Give more than you take

This is something I truly, truly believe in. We should always always always give more than we take. I don’t just mean giving money. We can also give our care, smile, assistance to someone. Trust me, when you become a ‘giver’ your life will become happier and brighter! Giving is magical, I can’t explain it to you using scientific formulas but I am sure it will make a positive change in your lives

5) Learn to love before asking to be loved

Sometimes people do not trust us or avoid us due to stereotypes about us or just because they didn’t get a good first impression of us. We shouldn’t respond with hatred, instead we should be nice to the other person. Offering our help or assistance with sincerity. One day, that person will open up their hearts and accept you in their life!

That is about it for today. Hope you guys enjoyed this read!

Have a great week ahead my friends 😀

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