Skolafund has been live for about 4 months now. Through this very basic website that we have, a lot of amazingness has happened, faster than we had expected. I’m sure you witnessed it as well. Here are 5 most notable ones, in my opinion.

  • More than RM 20,000 has been crowdfunded by 160 sponsors!
  • We have issued micro-scholarships to 6 students. For a website that was only meant to host one scholarship campaign (read about this here), not bad right?! On the new website that we are building, more campaigns can be launched at one time allowing us to crowdfund more scholarships, iA!
  • There are more than 1,500 registered users on SkolaFund!
  • We received super positive response for Create Scholarship – a feature that allows absolutely anyone to start their own scholarships – which means we WILL be building this feature on SkolaFund. Will take a bit of time, but stay tuned!
  • We’ve received such encouraging support from the twitter community! More than 4000 followers, among whom are respected celebrities and social media influencers. Dato’ Fazley Yaakob and Imran Ajmain are the two most supportive ones from the celebrity circle, giving us advice and support even before we launched. Recommend your friends to follow us as well. The more people we have on twitter, the easier we can help students in-need in promoting their campaign.

Thank you everyone for the love. Keep your feedback coming. We have a long way to go. Let’s make education accessible to more deserving together!

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